Baltimore or US Orders
using coupon code BYPTA22
Or call the Candy Store: 410.653.9900
Phone order deadline 03/07
Online order deadline 03/13
Ask about our kid packages and more expensive baskets!
Eretz Yisroel Orders
using coupon code BYPTA22
WhatsApp 972. 52. 558. 6999
or phone 972. 52. 558. 6999
Order deadline 03/07

PTA Mishloach Manos for Middle and High School Teachers as well as Administrators and Support Staff.
We will send a beautiful Mishloach Manos from The Candy Store to each staff member with a list of students who participated.
Just $25 per student sends Mishloach Manos to all your daughter’s teachers and the administrators*! (*This comes to about $2 per teacher depending on the grade!)
Add just $5 per family to send Mishloach Manos to Support Staff!