The Bais Yaakov PTA is a group of committed parent volunteers that works hard with the school to enrich our daughters’ Bais Yaakov experience. Through membership and other fundraisers, we sponsor various extracurricular activities that enhance the educational program in the school. From Yom Tov projects, special guest presentations, Chagigahs, and school trips, the PTA enjoys creating opportunities for every child to enjoy learning in fun and creative ways.
Every dollar collected for the PTA goes directly to enhance the children’s enjoyment at each level of the school. Your membership, volunteerism, and participation in our fundraisers allow the school to limit the number of times we ask for money throughout the year for trips, projects, and celebrations.
We welcome your suggestions for fundraisers, sponsorships, and ways to enrich our girls’ experience in Bais Yaakov.
We look forward to working together to help Bais Yaakov create an enjoyable school experience for our daughters!
PTA Programs
Latest PTA News
.50 per teacher depending on the grade.
Add per family to send Mishloach Manos to Support Staff!
Last Day to Order is March 15th!
Box Tops
Box Tops for Education is an easy way to support Bais Yaakov. For every Box Top you scan or clip, Bais Yaakov will receive 10 cents. That may not sound like a lot, but it adds up quickly. In the past five years alone, Bais Yaakov has raised ,000!
So, grab your phone or scissors and keep an eye out for the Box Tops for Education logo on the products you use every day. Scan the shelves at the grocery store and consider switching to Box Top brands if the products you purchase don’t participate. Participating companies and product lines include General Mills, Green Giant, Pillsbury, Ziploc, Hefty, Betty Crocker, and many more.
Scan your receipts within 14 days of purchase or once you’ve finished with the product, clip the Box Top before you throw away the package. Be sure to look over the whole box: Some packages offer bonus Box Tops. Send in the clipped Box Tops with your child and the school will take care of submitting them.
Mabel’s Labels
Shop year-round for a wide variety of personalized labels for kids and our PTA gets 20% of all your purchases! Products include kids clothing labels, bag tags, allergy labels/bracelets, sports equipment labels and school/camp supplies labels.
Click Here to Support the Bais Yaakov PTA
Be sure to search for Bais Yaakov PTA (Baltimore) before you begin.
Chanukah Boutique (formerly Mall Night)
Chanukah Boutique took place on Dec 3, 2023.
Rosh Chodesh Treats
Chazal tell us that Rosh Chodesh is a Yom Tov unique for women. The PTA is proud to partner with the school to help teach the girls about this special day by providing a treat on Rosh Chodesh. The students look forward to this monthly sweet treat, as it instills the importance of the day, which will stay with the girls as they grow and establish homes of their own.
The moros and teachers are provided with their own Rosh Chodesh muffin or baked good to show our ongoing appreciation for their dedication to our children.
Consider sponsoring this treat in honor of a teacher, child’s birthday, or other special occasions. The girls love hearing their names announced over the intercom when their parents, grandparents, or friends sponsors a Rosh Chodesh treat. Please email Mrs. Nechama Tendler at roshchodeshtreats@
Latest PTA News
Thank you to our Rosh Chodesh Teves 5784 Sponsors!
.50 per teacher depending on the grade.
Add per family to send Mishloach Manos to Support Staff!
Last Day to Order is March 15th!
Box Tops
Box Tops for Education is an easy way to support Bais Yaakov. For every Box Top you scan or clip, Bais Yaakov will receive 10 cents. That may not sound like a lot, but it adds up quickly. In the past five years alone, Bais Yaakov has raised ,000!
So, grab your phone or scissors and keep an eye out for the Box Tops for Education logo on the products you use every day. Scan the shelves at the grocery store and consider switching to Box Top brands if the products you purchase don’t participate. Participating companies and product lines include General Mills, Green Giant, Pillsbury, Ziploc, Hefty, Betty Crocker, and many more.
Scan your receipts within 14 days of purchase or once you’ve finished with the product, clip the Box Top before you throw away the package. Be sure to look over the whole box: Some packages offer bonus Box Tops. Send in the clipped Box Tops with your child and the school will take care of submitting them.
Mabel’s Labels
Shop year-round for a wide variety of personalized labels for kids and our PTA gets 20% of all your purchases! Products include kids clothing labels, bag tags, allergy labels/bracelets, sports equipment labels and school/camp supplies labels.
Click Here to Support the Bais Yaakov PTA
Be sure to search for Bais Yaakov PTA (Baltimore) before you begin.
Chanukah Boutique (formerly Mall Night)
Chanukah Boutique took place on Dec 3, 2023.
Rosh Chodesh Treats
Chazal tell us that Rosh Chodesh is a Yom Tov unique for women. The PTA is proud to partner with the school to help teach the girls about this special day by providing a treat on Rosh Chodesh. The students look forward to this monthly sweet treat, as it instills the importance of the day, which will stay with the girls as they grow and establish homes of their own.
The moros and teachers are provided with their own Rosh Chodesh muffin or baked good to show our ongoing appreciation for their dedication to our children.
Consider sponsoring this treat in honor of a teacher, child’s birthday, or other special occasions. The girls love hearing their names announced over the intercom when their parents, grandparents, or friends sponsors a Rosh Chodesh treat. Please email Mrs. Nechama Tendler at roshchodeshtreats@
Latest PTA News
Thank you to our Rosh Chodesh Teves 5784 Sponsors!
.50 per teacher depending on the grade.
Add per family to send Mishloach Manos to Support Staff!
Last Day to Order is March 15th!
Box Tops
Box Tops for Education is an easy way to support Bais Yaakov. For every Box Top you scan or clip, Bais Yaakov will receive 10 cents. That may not sound like a lot, but it adds up quickly. In the past five years alone, Bais Yaakov has raised ,000!
So, grab your phone or scissors and keep an eye out for the Box Tops for Education logo on the products you use every day. Scan the shelves at the grocery store and consider switching to Box Top brands if the products you purchase don’t participate. Participating companies and product lines include General Mills, Green Giant, Pillsbury, Ziploc, Hefty, Betty Crocker, and many more.
Scan your receipts within 14 days of purchase or once you’ve finished with the product, clip the Box Top before you throw away the package. Be sure to look over the whole box: Some packages offer bonus Box Tops. Send in the clipped Box Tops with your child and the school will take care of submitting them.
Mabel’s Labels
Shop year-round for a wide variety of personalized labels for kids and our PTA gets 20% of all your purchases! Products include kids clothing labels, bag tags, allergy labels/bracelets, sports equipment labels and school/camp supplies labels.
Click Here to Support the Bais Yaakov PTA
Be sure to search for Bais Yaakov PTA (Baltimore) before you begin.
Chanukah Boutique (formerly Mall Night)
Chanukah Boutique took place on Dec 3, 2023.
Rosh Chodesh Treats
Chazal tell us that Rosh Chodesh is a Yom Tov unique for women. The PTA is proud to partner with the school to help teach the girls about this special day by providing a treat on Rosh Chodesh. The students look forward to this monthly sweet treat, as it instills the importance of the day, which will stay with the girls as they grow and establish homes of their own.
The moros and teachers are provided with their own Rosh Chodesh muffin or baked good to show our ongoing appreciation for their dedication to our children.
Consider sponsoring this treat in honor of a teacher, child’s birthday, or other special occasions. The girls love hearing their names announced over the intercom when their parents, grandparents, or friends sponsors a Rosh Chodesh treat. Please email Mrs. Nechama Tendler at roshchodeshtreats@