When a donor sets up a recurring donation, they choose to give a pre-determined amount of money regularly. Donors sign up once, and their gifts are made automatically and at a frequency of their choosing, giving them flexibility and convenience. Monthly giving is probably the most common form of recurring giving.
Our goal is to continue providing the highest quality education possible for all our students. This takes hard work every day of the year. By making an affordable automatic tax-deductible gift each month, you can help Bais Yaakov in its effort to make Jewish education accessible for everyone. In addition, since our costs for managing this program are much lower, so much more can be dedicated to our educational programs that are directly benefiting our students.
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Why Become a Monthly Donor to Bais Yaakov?
It’s affordable. Spread your generosity out over time, with only a modest impact on your budget. You decide on an affordable amount that meets your budget and your desire to help Bais Yaakov.
It’s convenient. Your gift can be automatically billed to your credit card or debited to your checking account on or about the 15th day of the month. No need to find another stamp, to write checks or mail another donation – make your gift recur each month automatically through your credit card or automatic bank transfer.
Of course, you can always change your monthly amount, suspend or discontinue your support, or modify your preferred method of payment at any time by calling our Development Office.
For more information or other opportunities please contact Rabbi Gross by calling 443-548-7700 x 511 or e-mailing ragross@baisyaakov.net.