Lakewood Alumnae Event
On Sunday, October 28th, over 70 Bais Yaakov alumnae living in Lakewood from graduating classes 2005 through 2017, joined together for a memorable Alumnae Event. The gathering was held at the home of Mrs. Chani (Epstein) Berger \’05 and was organized by numerous Bais Yaakov alumnae in Lakewood. As the event started, friends and classmates eagerly greeted each other and felt like they were back in the halls of Bais Yaakov.
The guest speaker was Rabbi Yechezkel Zweig who came in all the way from Baltimore for the event.. It was a privilege for the alumnae to hear from Rabbi Zweig as he shared inspiring Divrei Torah and Chizuk on the topic of always being grateful to Hashem.
All those present admired the stunning decor of the event, which was beautifully set up, and enjoyed delicious salads and sushi. Most of all, the event, sponsored by Bais Yaakov, provided a wonderful opportunity for alumnae to reconnect with old friends and continue their special connection with Bais Yaakov.
Stay tuned for future alumnae events!