Our Gift Card Program supports the school’s budget while families make regular purchases – groceries, Amazon, gas, and the like. Each family is responsible for purchasing $7,500 using the Gift Card program thorough out the year. This year’s cycle will begin for ALL parents of the 2024- 2025 school year on JULY 1, 2024, and will end June 30, 2025.
There are two ways to fulfill your monetary obligation:
- Purchase gift cards: Gift cards to many major retailers, both online and in-store are available via the Bais Yaakov offices and other locations throughout town.
- Writing your checks out to BY when paying at Harris Auto, Shlomo’s Butcher Shop, Wasserman and Lemberger: These businesses allow you to pay your bill with a check made out to BY. That amount will count towards your obligation as well. To receive credit, Please be sure to clearly write your Family Name if different than on your check.
At the end of the cycle, we will calculate the total that was spent on all gift cards purchased and checks made out to BY at the establishments listed above.
- If it is less than $7,500, a bill will be sent for 5% of the balance. The most you can be billed for is $375.
- If it is MORE than $7,500, 1% of the overage will be credited to your tuition for the COMING year- namely, 2025 – 2026.
Good News: Family and friends may help you reach your scrip obligation, have them notate your family’s name.