A Chanukah Shiur by Mrs. Gitti Horowitz

Dearest Bais Yaakov Family,
The Bais Yaakov Middle School lost three extraordinary women in the past few years whose memories are very dear to all of us. Mrs. Laurie Gutman, Mrs. Elkie Kleiner and Mrs. Michelle Jakobovits aleihem hashalom left their mark on our Bais Yaakov and will forever be remembered.
As a zechus leilui nishmasam we come together each month to hear words of Torah. The monthly shiurim are not meant to be Divrei Hesped (eulogies) or Divrei Zikaron (memorial speeches), rather, they are intended to be words of Torah that will uplift and inspire us as a merit for the memory of these beloved women. 
Attached please find the third shiur which was given by Mrs. Gitti Horowitz on Thursday, December 6th, the 4th day of Chanukah.
Rabbi Naftoli Hexter and Rabbi Shaul Engelsberg
Bais Yaakov Middle School Principals

To download the shuir, right click on the button above and save link to your computer.